3 Tips to rent your apartment quickly
Tips for Home Owners
March 27, 2024

3 Tips to rent your apartment quickly

Are you considering putting up an ad to rent an apartment, but you don't know how to write it?

Are you considering putting up an ad to rent an apartment, but you don't know how to write it?

Remember that in the same way that a cover letter is intended to arouse the desire in the recruiter to meet the candidate, reading the ad should encourage tenants to come and visit the apartment. Here are some tips for posting a rental ad.

Say the essential

The objective of an announcement is to trigger visits from potential tenants. It is therefore necessary to provide useful information, which will make it possible on the one hand to make people whose search criteria match want to come and see the apartment, and on the other hand will rule out those who are looking for accommodation with other characteristics: a cheaper apartment, on a higher floor, in a newer building, in a newer building, closer to transport, more spacious, furnished and equipped, with an elevator, or even with a parking space...

Essential information for renters is:

  • The rent amount and what it includes
  • the location of the building, or at least the neighborhood
  • The number of rooms
  • whether the accommodation is furnished or not
  • whether the building is old or recent
  • Availability date

Highlight the advantages of the apartment

Each home has advantages that it is essential to highlight in order to trigger visits, such as:

  • proximity to transport or shops
  • The layout of the rooms
  • a recent renovation or refresh
  • an unobstructed view, without vis-à-vis
  • A balcony
  • A parking space
  • the numerous equipment

However, there is no point in overselling the property, which would only attract people whose search criteria are incompatible with the rental property. Each apartment has its own qualities and even if the accommodation is poorly located and unattractive, its price becomes an asset that will appeal to a satisfied tenant to find an apartment below market prices.

Accompany text with photos

Even if photos, like words, are simplistic, it is unthinkable nowadays to place an announcement without at least one photo accompanying it. Wide-angle cameras are more suitable, as they allow you not to overwrite volumes, but even a photo taken with a mobile phone often does the trick.

Photos should be treated with care, as they are inevitably part of the elements that trigger visits.

It is therefore necessary to avoid:

  • to choose a photo with a small frame that suggests that the room is tiny
  • to take a dark photo, because the tenant deduces that the apartment lacks light
  • to put a photo with an animal or a person on it, which may prevent the prospective tenant from projecting himself into the apartment
  • to opt for a photo of a dirty room or a bazaar, which reduces visits.

Since the packaging of a gift should arouse the desire to open the box, the objective of the real estate announcement is to trigger visits from tenants. A complete description accompanied by successful photos attracts targeted candidates, and can lead to the signing of a lease even if the apartment does not correspond in all respects to the search. Because we must not forget that when it comes to real estate, everyone makes at least one concession in their list of criteria.