Why entrust your property to a rental manager?
Tips for Home Owners
March 27, 2024

Why entrust your property to a rental manager?

For an expatriate, managing rental property is nothing trivial. Between the responsibilities of the lessor and the risks associated with...

For an individual, managing a rental property is nothing trivial. Between the responsibilities of the landlord and the risks associated with poor housing administration, it is not an easy activity. In this sense, an excellent solution is to entrust your rental management to a seasoned professional. Explanations.

Rental management allows you to have peace of mind

The management of a rental property is accompanied by a thousand small daily constraints and annoyances that can quickly complicate your life. The rental management solution allows you to relieve yourself of all or some of these tasks, depending on the mandate you choose to sign.

In concrete terms, you thus avoid:

— the time lost looking for tenants, organizing visits, answering dozens of questions (always the same);

— constant travel, especially if you live far from the town where your rental property is located;

— administrative hassles (drawing up a lease, carrying out an inventory, managing possible disputes...);

— problems related to contingencies (water damage, broken washing machine, etc.);

— the risks of rental vacancies (it is in the interest of the rental manager to ensure that the time intervals between two leases are as short as possible);

— errors and breaches that could harm your lease and relationships with your tenant, in particular by disregarding the rights and duties of both parties.

At the same time, your contact person is in a position to provide you with valuable advice concerning your rental management, in all areas: rent amount in relation to the rates charged in the same sector for similar properties, amount and nature of expenses (those that are recoverable, those that are not), work to be carried out and improvements to be made to attract the attention of rental candidates, etc. Enough to live your rental project with confidence.

Rental management offers you maximum security

In terms of rental management, the legislation is as complex as it is unstable : difficult to master and subject to change overnight. For example, do you know what types of leases you can sign? What information should you absolutely include in your rental contract? The technical diagnoses that must be carried out before signing, and the obligations incumbent on you in the event of an anomaly?

A drafting error, a misunderstood concept, an invalid document can lead to the nullity of the lease, to a reduction in rent, or even to the engagement of your liability in the eyes of the law — with, possibly, damages in the end.

The advantage of a professional manager lies in his in-depth knowledge of regulations, standards in force, but also tenant profiles. By delegating your rental management, you can be sure that your occupants will be selected on the basis of carefully checked supporting documents, and that you will be supported in the event of a dispute (unpaid bills, neighborhood disturbances, damage, etc.).

In addition, some managers offer a whole range of guarantees: against unpaid rent, periods of vacation rental, housing deterioration, or even legal proceedings.

These are all safeguards that make professional rental management a solution to be considered closely!